Monday, January 2, 2012

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Well, as usual, life's happened and I didn't get as much painting done as I would've liked, but nonetheless, I've made progress and have several Blood Angels vehicles basecoated, dullcoated, and ready for detail painting (Also, pardon blurry photos - I'm working on making a setup to knock that problem out soon).

I've also got two essentially completed vehicles and a Tactical Squad to give you all a taste of the paint scheme I'm aiming for on my so-called "Blood Conquerors"; more on that in a later post if I get some time.

Lastly is a question for anyone reading: on my Manticore, I'm painting up the rockets, and I'm not sure to leave them gunmetal or if I should paint them up with markings, etc., like in GW's. Thoughts or ideas?

(Note that I'm not done painting the targeting lenses; I know they're a bit ugly right now, lol)
Well, that about wraps it up for now. School picks up tomorrow, and the next shot I'll have at painting will most likely be next weekend. In the meantime, I may find time to write an article either about my Marines' homebrew fluff, or perhaps a short showing of my arriving order (it's a biggie, actually, you'll see when I post...). Anywho, you all take care, and thanks for keeping your interest i my blog thus far!

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